Riding in a Polaris Ranger Mid-Size in dry areas can be uncomfortable due to dust, heat, insects, and exhaust fumes. While vented windshields and rear windscreens help, the best protection from dust and debris is a race air pumper system. Although these systems are typically used for racing, many riders use them for leisure or work applications. Race air pumper systems utilize fresh air pumps, air lines, and specialized air pumper helmets to prevent dust from entering the rider's eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, as well as to filter and cool the air they breathe. Even with a full cab enclosure, dust can still enter the side-by-side. A race air pumper system can keep the rider comfortable, whether they're tearing up the desert or riding with a friend whose machine runs rich. Everything Polaris Ranger offers quality and affordable fresh air pumper systems for the Polaris Ranger Mid-Size.