

Proper clutching is essential to ensure a smooth and powerful ride for your Polaris Ranger Crew. Whether you own the Polaris Ranger Crew XP 1000 EPS Backcountry Edition or the 570 Polaris Ranger Crew six-seater, a faulty clutching system can affect your machine's performance. Upgrading to an aftermarket clutch kit or ECU tune, like the Gilomen tune and clutch kit with a muddier secondary spring, can greatly enhance your machine's power and overall performance. While there are mixed reviews for similar clutches and tunes from other brands, Gilomen has received positive feedback. A new clutch kit can also dispel any doubts you may have about your machine's power, even without a tune. Additionally, an aftermarket clutching system can be especially beneficial if you run oversized tires or Camso snow tracks on your Polaris Ranger Crew.

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If you're someone who's familiar with the Polaris Ranger Crew clutch system, you might be aware of the debate surrounding leaving the primary clutch on instead of pulling it. Although a lot of people in the know encourage leaving the primary clutch on, some people believe that pulling it is the only way to go.

Assuming that you choose to leave the primary clutch on, you'll need to pull the top plate with the six bolts and the pull spring. As you do this, the section with the weights pushes back. You'll then need to remove the belt, which will have a lot of spring tension, so be prepared for that.

While clutch tuning might not be a necessary step, it's certainly a fun one. However, if you're hearing popping sounds as you touch the gas or if the clutch is grabby on takeoff, a Gilomen tune and clutch kit is definitely necessary. This kit will give you smoother low-speed engagement, along with more power.

If you're concerned about installing a tune and it potentially going against the rules of an extended service contract or warranty, you can simply install the original ECM back into the Ranger before having any work done on it.

If you have any questions about the Polaris Ranger Crew clutching system, clutch tunes, or any of its various components, don't hesitate to reach out for help. Our team is always here to assist you in any way we can.