

As complicated as the Polaris General motor is, it makes sense that there are many ways that it can break or malfunction. But just because your check engine light turns on, doesn’t mean you dropped a valve or broke a keeper. Belt slippage or water in the belt / belt housing are the most common reasons why the check engine light turns on, but it is also possible to have issues with the throttle sensor (the connector by the pedal) getting wet as well. At Everything Polaris Ranger, we’d suggest to check and see what code the machine threw and start there, lest you do something drastic like hastily ordering a complete engine rebuild kit. To get the code to show up on your dashboard, push and hold the mode button. Options should pop up shortly thereafter. Push the arrow buttons until diagnostics show up and go into there. There should be a code on the screen as long as the engine light is on. If it is the belt that broke or got wet, it is right above the CV axle on the passenger side and goes into the differential. Make sure it is plugged in and drain the water from your belt housing -- if there is any. Do a thorough check and make sure that the sensor is plugged in fully. Sometimes they look like they’re plugged-in but they will be right on the verge of that little clasp latching and won’t be fully connected. In addition to your check engine light turning on from the belt and electrical issues, the very same problems can make it hard to start your General. As we stated, check the relays on the brake pressure switch for dirt and grime. Also, check the speed sensor and other related plugs.


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If you’ve checked all the easy stuff on your General but the problem turns out to be more serious, all hope is not lost. Should your engine be cratered, there are rebuild kits for the crank, top end, etc. Whether you threw a valve through the top of a piston, took your rig in water without a proper snorkel and got the engine vapor locked, or had something simple happen like a blown gasket, companies like CW Motorsports, Ground Thumpin Motors, and Rev6 Powersports make Polaris General engine rebuild kits to make your rig right as rain. These things happen, and all 4-stroke OHV engines are susceptible. So if you broke a valve stem, blew your keepers, or cracked your engine block, give us a holler and we will help bring your bike back to life!