
Helmet Kits

Whether you're rocking a motocross helmet or an open-face speed racer type helmet, if you're looking for audio helmet kits to use when riding your Polaris General, you've come to the right place. Bulky dirt bike helmets are undoubtedly safe, and they will protect your face, head, and brain should an accident take place. However, one problem many riders have with motocross and similar full-face helmets is that they make it hard to both hear and be heard. Open face helmets are an option, which are cooler than full helmets, give you a better field of view, and make it easier to eat, drink, and talk. But if you want the best of both worlds in terms of protection and audibility, a helmet kit is the only way to go. Whatever style of helmet you wear when riding your Polaris General, it can be upgraded with a helmet communication kit. Using helmet speakers and an off-road helmet mic, Polaris General helmet kits can give you helmet-to-helmet communication, or pair with other accessories such as radios and intercoms to receive and transmit audio, music, and voice communications.

Throwing up a middle finger when riding is a surefire way to send a message. But if you want a better way to conduct long-form communication in your Polaris General, you're going to need something a little more high-tech. A helmet audio kit connected to something like a Sena radio works great for multi-party communication, linking multiple individuals to the same comm system. Another option to use in conjunction with helmet kits is an FRS / GMRS comm device like the ones by ChatterBox. Telecommunication equipment such as the ones by ChatterBox are perfect for UTV clubs with dozens of members. You can have an unlimited amount of people on the same system, allowing you to stay connected with the entire party. But no matter if you need helmet kits and comm devices for an entire group, or just want something for your helmet to jam out when you ride, here at Everything Polaris Ranger, we've got the right helmet audio kit for you.

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