The MotoRoof Razorshade consist of stress-free installation without making any modifications in your vehicle. It do not consist of flap design; the roof is straight up that stays attached smoothly when driving at high speed. The MotoRoof Razorshade is an excellent alternative to factory Polaris plastic or aluminum roof, providing with 92% shade factor and better airflow in hot weather condition to you and your passenger seat.
The MotoRoof Razorshade consist or shade roof which is constructed from our rugged Razortex mesh which is specifically prepared for outdoor use. The roof is sewn with heavy-duty Gore brand thread making it extremely resistant to UV harmful sun radiation. Our Razortex mesh is also infused with Microban to eliminate the concern of mildew and mold if the shade is exposed to water. To make the shade waterproof, the Razorshade material is coated with vinyl. MotoRoof being very confident in its product comes with 2-year warranty to gain customers confidence. It is 100% made in USA by people who care.
Features :
- Our roof is straight up Awesome
- Excellent Fit
- High-quality materials, made in the USA by people who care
- It looks Great and Performs
Features :
- Installs in minutes with ZERO modifications to your vehicle
- No flap design that stays attached smoothly at speed
- Rugged UV resistant Razortex mesh
- 92 percent shade factor
- Cooler shade VS Aluminum or Plastic Roof
- 100% Made in the USA!